
I’m writing a feature at the moment and truth be told, it’s kicking my arse! I come up with an idea and it’s either been done before or the idea is just plain shite! For some stupid reason I thought this shit would be easy, after all I knock out short films in under an hour. Really and truly, this should enable me the skills to knock out a feature in a week, a month tops right? WRONG!!!

This mutha fuckah doesn’t want to leave me alone. I can’t think straight because all the fuckin’ scenes are swimming around in my head. Constantly. The worst thing is hearing about those wankerfied arse holes that say things like “I wake up in the morning and the words just flow out of me. It’s just a natural phenomenon.” Bollocks!!!

They struggle like the rest of us. Writing is a gift and a curse. Sure, they’re some things that I love about it, like coming up with snappy dialogue but the rest is just long! I don’t write because I want to, I write because I have to. I have no choice in the matter. If I didn’t get all this crazy stuff out of my head I’d go mad.

Bottom line, writing is a laborious task and isn’t much fun. I guess you just have to get on with it.


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